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Freeway Traffic Volumes
Los Angeles County

Average Annual Daily Traffic By Route
Years 2022, 2019 & 2015

Freeway, Traffic, Hollywood

Hollywood Freeway at Night. Photo by Tpsdave at Pixabay.com.

Also see:
-- Map of Freeways and Highways in Los Angeles County
-- Los Angeles County Traffic Volumes, 2005 & 2011

Select a route. Only routes identified as "freeways" (controlled-access highways designed for high-speed traffic, with entry and exit traffic regulated) are listed here:

NOTE: 2019 traffic data is included here, instead of 2020 data, being the last year of normal traffic before steep traffic drop-off after the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

Route 2

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
2 Los Angeles, Left Onto Glendale Blvd 27,000 48,500 33,500 61,000 33,500 61,000
2 Los Angeles, Right via the Glendale Freeway 48,500 46,000 61,000 58,000 61,000 59,000
2 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 5 46,000 128,000 58,000 161,000 59,000 162,000
2 Los Angeles, San Fernando Rd 128,000 123,000 161,000 154,000 162,000 155,000
2 Los Angeles, Verdugo Rd 123,000 113,000 154,000 141,000 155,000 141,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
2 Los Angeles, York Blvd 113,000 128,000 141,000 160,000 141,000 160,000
2 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 134 128,000 104,000 160,000 130,000 160,000 127,000
2 Glendale, Mountain St 104,000 99,000 130,000 119,000 127,000 115,000
2 La Canada-Flintridge, Jct. Rte. 210 99,000 11,600 119,000 14,500 119,233 13,400
2 La Canada-Flintridge, Foothill Blvd 11,600 12,300 14,500 15,400 14,300 15,400
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
2 East Jct. Rte. 210 12,300 12,300 15,400 15,400 15,400 15,400
2 Vista Del Valle Rd 6,500 5,500 8,200 6,900 8,200 6,900
2 Angeles Forest Bndry 2,800 2,800 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500
2 Slide Canyon Bridge 3,500 3,500 4,400 4,400 4,400 4,400
2 Angeles Forest Hwy 2,500 600 3,100 750 3,100 750
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
2 Mount Wilson Rd 600 290 750 370 750 370
2 Entrance, Upper Chilao Recreation Area 310 300 390 380 390 380
2 Buckhorn Ranger Station 180 180 230 230 230 230
2 Islip Saddle, Jct. Rte. 39 South (Closed) 170 170 220 220 220 220
2 Blue Ridge Rd 170 310 220 390 220 390
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
2 Big Pines Hwy 310 1,250 390 1,600 390 1,600
2 Los Angeles/San Bernardino County Line 1,350 --- 1,800 --- 1,650 ---

Route 5

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Orange/Los Angeles County Line --- 160,000 --- 208,300 --- 171,000
5 Santa Fe Springs, Valley View Ave 160,000 158,000 171,000 168,000 171,000 167,000
5 Santa Fe Springs, Alondra Blvd --- --- 168,000 169,000 167,000 169,000
5 Norwalk, Carmenita Rd --- --- 169,000 171,000 169,000 170,000
5 Norwalk, Firestone Blvd 160,000 164,000 171,000 175,000 170,000 173,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Norwalk, Norwalk Blvd/San Antonio Ave 164,000 165,000 175,000 176,000 173,000 174,000
5 Norwalk, San Antonio Dr 166,000 162,000 --- --- --- ---
5 Norwalk, Imperial Hwy 165,000 180,000 176,000 192,000 174,000 190,000
5 Santa Fe Springs, Jct. Rte. 605 180,000 214,000 192,000 228,000 190,000 228,000
5 Downey, Lakewood Blvd 214,000 219,000 228,000 234,000 228,000 233,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Downey, Paramount Blvd 219,000 219,000 234,000 233,000 233,000 233,000
5 Commerce, Slauson Ave 219,000 206,000 233,000 220,000 233,000 220,000
5 Commerce, Garfield Ave 206,000 205,000 220,000 219,000 220,000 219,000
5 Commerce, Washington Blvd 205,000 215,000 219,000 229,000 219,000 228,000
5 Commerce, Atlantic Blvd 215,000 213,000 229,000 232,000 228,000 233,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Commerce, Jct. Rte. 710 213,000 229,000 232,000 244,000 233,000 249,000
5 Downey Rd 229,000 237,000 244,000 250,000 249,000 256,000
5 Ditman Ave 237,000 244,000 250,000 248,000 256,000 253,000
5 Indiana St 244,000 253,000 248,000 250,000 253,000 256,000
5 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 60 253,000 219,000 250,000 234,000 256,000 233,000
5 Los Angeles, Fourth St 219,000 226,000 234,000 241,000 233,000 240,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Los Angeles, Cesar Chavez Dr 226,000 214,000 241,000 228,000 240,000 228,000
5 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 10 214,000 219,000 228,000 234,000 228,000 234,000
5 Los Angeles, Main St 219,000 216,000 234,000 230,000 234,000 231,000
5 Los Angeles, North Broadway 216,000 206,000 230,000 220,000 231,000 221,000
5 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 110 206,000 265,000 220,000 283,000 221,000 287,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Los Angeles, Stadium Way 265,000 261,000 283,000 278,000 287,000 282,000
5 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 2 261,000 219,000 278,000 233,000 282,000 235,000
5 Los Angeles, Glendale Blvd 219,000 210,000 233,000 224,000 235,000 225,000
5 Los Angeles, Los Feliz Blvd/Griffith Park Dr 210,000 232,000 224,000 247,000 225,000 248,000
5 Los Angeles, Colorado Blvd Extension 232,000 242,000 247,000 258,000 248,000 258,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 134 242,000 222,000 258,000 237,000 258,000 235,000
5 Glendale, Wern Ave 222,000 216,000 237,000 230,000 235,000 227,000
5 Burbank, Alameda Ave 216,000 210,000 230,000 224,000 227,000 221,000
5 Burbank, Olive Ave 210,000 202,000 224,000 215,000 221,000 212,000
5 Burbank, Burbank Blvd 202,000 191,000 215,000 204,000 212,000 200,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Burbank, Victory Blvd/Lincoln St 191,000 180,000 204,000 192,000 200,000 187,000
5 Burbank, Buena Vista St 180,000 182,000 192,000 194,000 187,000 189,000
5 Los Angeles, Hollywood Way 182,000 192,000 194,000 205,000 189,000 200,000
5 Los Angeles, Roscoe Blvd 192,000 181,000 205,000 193,000 200,000 188,000
5 Los Angeles, Sunland Blvd 181,000 184,000 193,000 196,000 188,000 190,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Los Angeles, Penrose St 184,000 181,000 196,000 193,000 190,000 188,000
5 Los Angeles, Lankershim Blvd 181,000 181,000 193,000 193,000 188,000 189,000
5 Los Angeles, Sheldon St/Laurel Canyon Blvd 181,000 182,000 193,000 194,000 189,000 190,000
5 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 170 182,000 274,000 194,000 292,000 190,000 292,000
5 Los Angeles, Osborne St 274,000 288,000 292,000 307,000 292,000 307,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Los Angeles, Terra Bella St 288,000 280,000 307,000 299,000 307,000 299,000
5 Los Angeles, Van Nuys Blvd 280,000 271,000 299,000 289,000 299,000 290,000
5 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 118 271,000 184,000 289,000 196,000 290,000 198,000
5 Los Angeles, Brand Blvd 184,000 178,000 196,000 190,000 198,000 192,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Los Angeles, San Fernando Mission Blvd 178,000 175,000 190,000 187,000 192,000 189,000
5 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 405 175,000 285,000 187,000 304,000 189,000 300,000
5 Los Angeles, Roxford St 285,000 265,000 304,000 282,000 300,000 277,000
5 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 210 265,000 268,000 282,000 286,000 277,000 285,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Los Angeles, Begin Truck Freeway --- 17,400 --- 18,500 18,250 ---
5 Los Angeles, End Independent Alignment --- 17,400 18,500 --- --- 18,250
5 Los Angeles, Begin Left Alignment --- 49,500 --- 18,500 18,250 ---
5 Los Angeles, End Independent Alignment 52,200 49,500 18,500 --- --- 36,500
5 Los Angeles, End Independent Alignment 52,200 49,500 --- 53,000 36,500 36,500
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Rte. 5/14 Separation Overhead 49,500 32,500 53,000 34,500 36,500 ---
5 End Truck Freeway 32,500 --- 34,500 --- 285,000 205,000
5 Break In Rte --- --- --- --- 205,000 204,000
5 Jct. Rte. 14 268,000 193,000 286,000 206,000 204,000 190,000
5 Santa Clarita, Calgrove Blvd 193,000 192,000 206,000 205,000 190,000 179,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Santa Clarita, Lyons Ave 192,000 180,000 205,000 192,000 179,000 157,000
5 Santa Clarita, Mc Bean Parkway 180,000 170,000 192,000 181,000 157,000 143,000
5 Santa Clarita, Valencia Blvd 170,000 149,000 181,000 159,000 143,000 133,000
5 Santa Clarita, South Jct. Rte. 126 149,000 135,000 159,000 144,000 133,000 117,000
5 Santa Clarita, Rye Canyon Rd 135,000 127,000 144,000 135,000 117,000 94,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Santa Clarita, North Jct. Rte. 126 127,000 111,000 135,000 118,000 94,000 75,000
5 Hasley Canyon Rd 108,000 89,000 115,000 95,000 75,000 72,000
5 Parker Rd 89,000 71,000 95,000 76,000 72,000 71,000
5 Lake Hughes Rd 71,000 68,000 76,000 73,000 71,000 71,000
5 Templin Hwy 68,000 68,000 73,000 72,000 71,000 70,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Vista Del Lago Rd 68,000 68,000 72,000 72,000 70,000 69,000
5 Smokey Bear Rd 68,000 66,000 72,000 70,000 69,000 69,000
5 South Jct. Rte. 138 66,000 65,000 70,000 69,000 69,000 72,000
5 Quail Lake Rd 65,000 65,000 69,000 69,000 72,000 73,000
5 North Jct. Rte. 138 65,000 68,000 69,000 73,000 73,000 73,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
5 Gorman Rd 68,000 69,000 73,000 74,000 73,000 ---
5 Frazier Mountain Park Rd 69,000 71,000 74,000 76,000 --- 148,000
5 Los Angeles/Kern County Line 71,000 --- 76,000 --- 148,000 187,000

Route 10

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Santa Monica, Jct. Rte. 1 --- --- 198,000 150,000 187,000 194,000
10 Santa Monica, Cloverfield Blvd --- --- 150,000 188,000 194,000 236,000
10 Santa Monica, Centinela Ave/Pico Blvd --- --- 188,000 194,000 236,000 248,000
10 Los Angeles, Bundy Dr --- --- 194,000 238,000 248,000 245,000
10 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 405 --- --- 238,000 251,000 245,000 260,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Los Angeles, Overland Ave --- --- 251,000 247,000 260,000 259,000
10 Los Angeles, National Blvd --- --- 247,000 263,000 259,000 273,000
10 Los Angeles, Robertson Blvd --- --- 263,000 260,000 273,000 287,000
10 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 187 --- --- 260,000 280,000 287,000 312,000
10 Los Angeles, La Brea Ave --- --- 280,000 294,000 312,000 326,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Los Angeles, Crenshaw Blvd --- --- 294,000 322,000 326,000 337,000
10 Los Angeles, Arlington Ave --- --- 322,000 336,000 337,000 344,000
10 Los Angeles, Wern Ave --- --- 336,000 347,000 344,000 346,000
10 Los Angeles, Normandie Ave --- --- 347,000 354,000 346,000 340,000
10 Los Angeles, Vermont Ave --- --- 354,000 355,000 340,000 255,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Los Angeles, Hoover St --- --- 355,000 350,000 255,000 257,000
10 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 110 --- --- 350,000 259,000 257,000 283,000
10 Los Angeles, Los Angeles St --- --- 259,000 260,000 283,000 290,000
10 Los Angeles, San Pedro St/Central Ave --- --- 260,000 286,000 290,000 307,000
10 Los Angeles, Alameda St --- --- 286,000 294,000 307,000 198,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Los Angeles, Santa Fe Ave --- --- 294,000 311,000 --- 8,600
10 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 101 --- --- 311,000 90,000 8,600 12,300
10 Los Angeles, Begin Busway at Alameda St --- 8,200 --- 8,600 13,400 30,500
10 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 101 8,200 11,800 8,600 12,400 30,500 27,000
10 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 5 11,800 13,100 12,400 13,700 27,000 680
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Busway, East LA City Limits 5,400 5,400 --- --- --- ---
10 Monterey Park, University Station 5,400 5,400 --- --- --- ---
10 Alhambra, Jct. Rte. 710 13,100 33,500 13,700 35,000 680 ---
10 Alhambra, Del Mar Ave 33,500 30,500 35,000 32,000 198,000 218,000
10 El Monte, Connections to San Bernardino Freeway 30,500 650 32,000 680 218,000 208,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 El Monte, El Monte Bus Sta/Santa Anita, End Bus 650 --- 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Santa Monica, Jct Rte 1 --- 143,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Santa Monica, Cloverfield Blvd 143,000 179,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Santa Monica, Centinela Ave/Pico Blvd 179,000 185,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, Bundy Dr 185,000 227,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Los Angeles, Jct Rte 405 227,000 239,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, Overland Ave 239,000 236,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, National Blvd 236,000 251,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, Robertson Blvd 251,000 248,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, Jct Rte 187 248,000 267,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Los Angeles, La Brea Ave 267,000 281,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, Crenshaw Blvd 281,000 307,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, Arlington Ave 307,000 320,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, Western Ave 320,000 331,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, Normandie Ave 331,000 338,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Los Angeles, Vermont Ave 338,000 339,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, Hoover St 339,000 334,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, Jct Rte 110 334,000 247,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, Los Angeles St 247,000 248,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, San Pedro St/Central Ave 248,000 273,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Los Angeles, Alameda St 273,000 281,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, Santa Fe Ave 281,000 297,000 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Los Angeles, Jct Rte 101 297,000 --- 680 --- 208,000 203,000
10 Break In Rte --- --- --- --- 203,000 208,000
10 Los Angeles, Jct, Rte 101 --- 85,000 --- --- --- ---
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Los Angeles, Jct, Rte 5 85,000 189,000 --- --- --- ---
10 Los Angeles, Soto St 189,000 207,000 198,000 218,000 208,000 208,000
10 City Terrace Dr 207,000 213,000 218,000 208,000 208,000 218,000
10 Monterey Park, Jct. Rte. 710 213,000 193,000 208,000 203,000 218,000 225,000
10 Alhambra, Fremont Ave 193,000 211,000 203,000 209,000 225,000 223,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Alhambra, Atlantic Blvd 211,000 197,000 209,000 211,000 223,000 220,000
10 Alhambra, Garfield Ave 197,000 181,000 211,000 221,000 220,000 218,000
10 Monterey Park, New Ave 181,000 217,000 221,000 227,000 218,000 206,000
10 South San Gabriel, Del Mar Ave 217,000 215,000 227,000 225,000 206,000 230,000
10 Rosemead, San Gabriel Blvd 215,000 210,000 225,000 220,000 230,000 228,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Rosemead, Walnut Grove Ave 210,000 208,000 220,000 219,000 228,000 221,000
10 El Monte, Jct. Rte. 164 208,000 195,000 219,000 205,000 221,000 233,000
10 El Monte, Temple City Blvd/Baldwin Ave 195,000 225,000 205,000 236,000 233,000 221,000
10 El Monte, Santa Anita Ave 225,000 223,000 236,000 233,000 221,000 199,000
10 El Monte, Valley Blvd/Peck Rd 223,000 212,000 233,000 222,000 199,000 191,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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10 El Monte, Garvey Ave 212,000 224,000 222,000 235,000 191,000 172,000
10 Baldwin Park, Jct. Rte. 605 224,000 212,000 235,000 222,000 172,000 175,000
10 Baldwin Park, Bess Ave/ Frazier St 212,000 192,000 222,000 202,000 175,000 187,000
10 Baldwin Park, Baldwin Park Blvd 192,000 182,000 202,000 191,000 187,000 199,000
10 Baldwin Park, Francisquito Ave 182,000 164,000 191,000 172,000 199,000 217,000
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AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Baldwin Park, Puente Ave 164,000 166,000 172,000 174,000 217,000 218,000
10 W Covina, Orange/ Pacific Aves 166,000 178,000 174,000 187,000 218,000 220,000
10 W Covina, Ca/Vincent Aves 178,000 191,000 187,000 200,000 220,000 211,000
10 W Covina, Azusa Ave 191,000 208,000 200,000 219,000 211,000 213,000
10 W Covina, Citrus St 208,000 211,000 219,000 221,000 213,000 212,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 W Covina, Barranca St 211,000 214,000 221,000 224,000 212,000 262,000
10 W Covina, Grand Ave 214,000 205,000 224,000 215,000 262,000 263,000
10 W Covina, Holt Ave 205,000 207,000 215,000 217,000 263,000 264,000
10 Via Verde 207,000 206,000 217,000 216,000 264,000 255,000
10 E/O Via Verde Dr; W/O Kellogg 206,000 206,000 --- --- --- ---
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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10 Pomona, Jct. Rtes. 57/71 206,000 254,000 216,000 266,000 255,000 270,000
10 Pomona, Fairplex Dr 254,000 254,000 266,000 267,000 270,000 273,000
10 Pomona, Dudley St 254,000 255,000 267,000 268,000 273,000 273,000
10 Pomona, White Ave 255,000 247,000 268,000 259,000 273,000 ---
10 Pomona, Garey Ave 247,000 260,000 259,000 273,000 15,800 18,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
10 Pomona, Towne Ave 260,000 265,000 273,000 278,000 19,800 ---
10 Pomona, Indian Hill Blvd 265,000 265,000 278,000 278,000 --- 172,000
10 Los Angeles/San Bernardino County Line 265,000 --- 278,000 --- 172,000 156,000

Route 14

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
14 North Junction Route 5 --- 7,300 --- 7,700 --- ---
14 Placerita Cyn Rd 14,900 17,000 15,800 18,000 156,000 148,000
14 Friendly Valley Parkway 18,700 --- 19,800 --- 148,000 148,000
14 Jct Rte 5 --- 171,000 --- 181,000 148,000 115,000
14 Santa Clarita, San Fernando Rd 171,000 156,000 181,000 165,000 115,000 103,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
14 Santa Clarita, Placerita Canyon Rd 156,000 147,000 165,000 155,000 103,000 100,000
14 Santa Clarita, Golden Valley Rd 147,000 120,000 155,000 153,000 100,000 97,000
14 Sierra Hwy 120,000 113,000 153,000 119,000 97,000 98,000
14 Santa Clarita, Sand Canyon Rd 113,000 102,000 119,000 108,000 98,000 99,000
14 Santa Clarita, Shadow Pines Blvd/Soledad Rd 102,000 99,000 108,000 105,000 99,000 99,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
14 Agua Dulce Canyon Rd 99,000 97,000 105,000 103,000 99,000 100,000
14 Escondido Canyon Rd 97,000 96,000 103,000 102,000 100,000 100,000
14 Ward Rd 96,000 98,000 102,000 104,000 100,419 75,000
14 Crown Valley Rd 98,000 98,000 104,000 104,000 75,000 83,000
14 Santiago Rd 98,000 99,000 104,000 105,000 83,000 88,000
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14 Soledad Canyon Rd/Sierra Hwy 99,000 99,000 105,000 105,000 88,000 88,000
14 Angeles Forest Hwy 99,000 76,000 105,000 80,000 88,000 93,000
14 Palmdale, Ave S 76,000 79,000 80,000 84,000 93,000 89,000
14 Palmdale, South Jct. Rte. 138 79,000 84,000 84,000 89,000 89,000 74,000
14 Palmdale, 10th St W 84,000 84,000 89,000 89,000 74,000 59,000
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14 Palmdale, Ave N 84,000 89,000 89,000 94,000 59,000 41,500
14 Lancaster, Columbia Way/Ave M 89,000 86,000 94,000 91,000 41,500 47,500
14 Lancaster, Ave L 86,000 72,000 91,000 76,000 47,500 39,500
14 Lancaster, Ave K 72,000 59,000 76,000 62,000 39,500 38,000
14 Lancaster, Ave J-8/20th St W 59,000 43,000 62,000 45,000 38,000 37,500
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14 Lancaster, Ave J 43,000 48,000 45,000 51,000 37,500 36,000
14 Lancaster, Ave I 48,000 41,000 51,000 43,500 36,000 34,000
14 Lancaster, Ave H 41,000 39,500 43,500 42,000 34,000 ---
14 Ave G 39,500 39,000 42,000 41,500 --- 5,200
14 Ave F 39,000 38,000 41,500 40,000 5,500 ---
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14 North Jct. Rte. 138 38,000 --- 40,000 37,500 --- 28,500
14 North Junction Rte 5 --- 6,900 --- --- --- ---
14 Placerita Cyn Rd 14,100 16,100 --- --- --- ---
14 Friendly Valley Parkway 17,700 --- --- --- --- ---
14 Ave A , Los Angeles/Kern County Line --- --- --- --- 36,000 48,000

Route 57

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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57 Orange/Los Angeles County Line --- 197,000 --- 239,000 --- 104,000
57 Diamond Bar, Brea Canyon Rd 197,000 204,000 212,000 219,000 104,000 ---
57 Diamond Bar, Diamond Bar Blvd 204,000 190,000 219,000 205,000 --- 104,000
57 Diamond Bar, Pathfinder Rd 190,000 193,000 205,000 208,000 104,000 ---
57 Diamond Bar, Begin Right Alignment 273,000 192,000 --- 104,000 130,000 146,000
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57 Diamond Bar, North Jct. Rte. 60 273,000 192,000 104,000 --- 146,000 156,000
57 Diamond Bar, Begin Independent Alignment Left 192,000 121,000 --- 104,000 156,000 169,000
57 Diamond Bar, South Jct. Rte. 60 192,000 121,000 104,000 --- 169,000 170,000
57 Diamond Bar, Sunset Crossing Rd 121,000 135,000 130,000 145,000 170,000 160,000
57 Pomona, Temple Ave 135,000 146,000 145,000 157,000 160,000 149,000
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57 Pomona, Jct. Rtes. 10/71 292,000 316,000 157,000 171,000 --- 75,000
57 Pomona, Via Verde/Raging Waters Dr 158,000 158,000 171,000 171,000 75,000 75,000
57 San Dimas, Covina Ave 158,000 149,000 171,000 161,000 75,000 ---
57 San Dimas, Arrow Hwy 149,000 140,000 161,000 151,000 --- 75,000
57 Glendora, Begin Independent Alignment Right 200,000 142,000 --- 76,000 75,000 ---
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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57 Glendora, Jct. Rte. 210 200,000 142,000 76,000 --- --- 180,000
57 Glendora, End Independent Alignment Right 71,000 --- 76,000 --- 180,000 213,000
57 Glendora, Begin Independent Alignment Left 71,000 --- --- 76,000 213,000 218,000
57 Glendora, End Independent Alignment Left 71,000 --- 76,000 --- 218,000 233,000

Route 60

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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60 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 10 --- 238,000 --- 180,000 233,000 235,000
60 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 5 238,000 201,000 180,000 217,000 235,000 257,000
60 Los Angeles, Lorena St 201,000 207,000 217,000 223,000 257,000 246,000
60 Los Angeles, Indiana St 207,000 222,000 223,000 239,000 246,000 230,000
60 Third St/Downey Rd 222,000 224,000 239,000 241,000 230,000 219,000
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60 Jct. Rte. 710 224,000 242,000 241,000 261,000 219,000 231,000
60 Monterey Park, Atlantic Blvd 242,000 232,000 261,000 250,000 231,000 241,000
60 Montebello, Findlay/ Garfield/Wilcox Aves 232,000 216,000 250,000 232,000 241,000 243,000
60 Montebello, Paramount Blvd 216,000 206,000 232,000 222,000 243,000 239,000
60 Rosemead, San Gabriel Blvd 206,000 216,000 222,000 232,000 239,000 257,000
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60 South El Monte, Santa Anita Ave 216,000 224,000 232,000 241,000 257,000 261,000
60 South El Monte, Peck Rd/Durfee Ave 224,000 225,000 241,000 242,000 261,000 245,000
60 Industry, Jct. Rte. 605 225,000 217,000 242,000 238,000 245,000 240,000
60 South El Monte, Jct. Rte. 164 217,000 238,000 238,000 257,000 240,000 234,000
60 Industry, Crossroads Parkway 238,000 242,000 257,000 261,000 234,000 236,000
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60 Hacienda Heights, Seventh Ave 242,000 227,000 261,000 245,000 236,000 235,000
60 Hacienda Heights, Hacienda Blvd 227,000 223,000 245,000 240,000 235,000 232,000
60 Industry, Azusa Ave 223,000 211,000 240,000 228,000 232,000 233,000
60 Industry, Fullerton Rd 211,000 219,000 228,000 236,000 233,000 365,000
60 Rowland Heights, Nogales St 219,000 239,000 236,000 258,000 365,000 366,000
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60 Industry, Fairway Dr 239,000 264,000 258,000 285,000 366,000 237,000
60 Diamond Bar, Brea Canyon Rd 264,000 298,000 285,000 322,000 237,000 224,000
60 Diamond Bar, Jct. Rte. 57 South 298,000 322,000 322,000 348,000 224,000 220,000
60 Diamond Bar, Grand Ave 322,000 324,000 348,000 350,000 220,000 222,000
60 Diamond Bar, Jct. Rte. 57 North 324,000 229,000 350,000 247,000 222,000 ---
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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60 Pomona, Phillips Ranch Rd 229,000 218,000 247,000 235,000 --- 21,600
60 Pomona, Jct. Rte. 71 218,000 218,000 235,000 235,000 21,600 26,500
60 Pomona, Reservoir St 218,000 207,000 235,000 224,000 24,000 22,000
60 Los Angeles/San Bernardino County Line 207,000 --- 236,000 --- 22,800 21,800

Route 90

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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90 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 1 --- 29,500 --- 34,500 90,000 37,000
90 Los Angeles, Mindanao Way 29,500 50,000 34,500 59,000 37,000 ---
90 Los Angeles, Culver Blvd 65,000 79,000 59,000 77,000 --- 64,000
90 Los Angeles, Centinela Ave 50,000 65,000 77,000 93,000 64,000 200,000
90 Culver City, Jct. Rte. 405 79,000 32,000 93,000 37,500 200,000 204,000
90 Culver City, Slauson Ave 32,000 --- 37,500 --- 204,000 208,000

Route 91

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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91 Los Angeles, Vermont Ave --- 63,000 --- 64,000 208,000 215,000
91 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 110 63,000 194,000 64,000 197,000 215,000 215,000
91 Carson, Avalon Blvd 194,000 197,000 197,000 201,000 215,000 223,000
91 Compton, Central Ave 197,000 202,000 201,000 205,000 223,000 223,000
91 Compton, Wilmington Ave 202,000 209,000 205,000 212,000 223,000 274,000
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91 Compton, Alameda St 209,000 209,000 212,000 212,000 274,000 277,000
91 Compton, Alameda St/Santa Fe Ave 209,000 216,000 212,000 220,000 277,000 273,000
91 Long Beach, Long Beach Blvd 216,000 218,000 220,000 221,000 273,000 271,000
91 Long Beach, Jct. Rte. 710 218,000 269,000 221,000 273,000 271,000 259,000
91 Long Beach, Cherry Ave 269,000 272,000 273,000 277,000 259,000 272,000
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91 Long Beach, Paramount Blvd 272,000 269,000 277,000 273,000 272,000 266,000
91 Long Beach, Downey Ave 269,000 267,000 273,000 271,000 266,000 284,000
91 Bellflower, Jct. Rte. 19 267,000 256,000 271,000 259,000 284,000 276,000
91 Bellflower, Clark Ave 256,000 269,000 259,000 273,000 276,000 274,000
91 Bellflower, Bellflower Blvd 269,000 266,000 273,000 270,000 274,000 253,000
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91 Cerritos, Jct. Rte. 605 266,000 284,000 270,000 288,000 253,000 251,000
91 Artesia, Pioneer Blvd 284,000 275,000 288,000 279,000 251,000 246,000
91 Cerritos, Norwalk Blvd 275,000 272,000 279,000 277,000 246,000 ---
91 Cerritos, Bloomfield Ave 272,000 251,000 277,000 255,000 --- 132,000
91 Cerritos, Artesia Ave 251,000 249,000 255,000 253,000 132,000 119,000
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91 Cerritos, Carmenita Ave 249,000 245,000 253,000 248,000 119,000 118,000
91 Los Angeles/Orange County Line 245,000 --- 275,400 --- 118,000 204,000

Route 101

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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101 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 10 --- 322,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 5 322,000 322,000 --- 136,000 204,000 200,000
101 Los Angeles, Fourth St 126,000 115,000 136,000 123,000 200,000 194,000
101 Los Angeles, First St 115,000 114,000 123,000 122,000 194,000 211,000
101 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 10 114,000 --- 122,000 --- 211,000 264,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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101 Los Angeles, Vignes St 196,000 194,000 211,000 208,000 264,000 259,000
101 Los Angeles, Alameda/ Los Angeles Sts 194,000 187,000 208,000 200,000 259,000 267,000
101 Los Angeles, Los Angeles St 200,000 203,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Spring St 187,000 202,000 200,000 217,000 267,000 261,000
101 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 110 202,000 246,000 217,000 264,000 261,000 256,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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101 Los Angeles, Glendale Blvd 246,000 268,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Jct Rte 2 NE 268,000 234,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Benton Wy/Rampart St 234,000 240,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Silver Lake Blvd 240,000 221,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Vermont Ave 221,000 217,000 --- --- --- ---
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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101 Los Angeles, Melrose Ave 217,000 208,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Jct Rte 2 West 208,000 182,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Western Ave 182,000 202,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Sunset/Hollywood Blvd 202,000 182,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Gower St/Argyle Ave 182,000 194,000 --- --- --- ---
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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101 Los Angeles, Cahuenga Blvd 194,000 211,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Highland Ave 211,000 251,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Barham Blvd 251,000 231,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Lankershim/Ventura Blvds 231,000 230,000 --- --- --- ---
101 Los Angeles, Vineland Ave 230,000 220,000 --- --- --- ---
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101 Los Angeles, Glendale Blvd --- --- 264,000 258,000 256,000 236,000
101 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 2 Northeast --- --- 258,000 266,000 236,000 227,000
101 Los Angeles, Benton Way/Rampart St --- --- 266,000 260,000 227,000 200,000
101 Los Angeles, Silver Lake Blvd --- --- 260,000 254,000 200,000 220,000
101 Los Angeles, Vermont Ave --- --- 254,000 233,000 220,000 199,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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101 Los Angeles, Melrose Ave --- --- 233,000 223,000 199,000 211,000
101 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 2 W --- --- 223,000 196,000 211,000 230,000
101 Los Angeles, Wern Ave --- --- 196,000 217,000 230,000 273,000
101 Los Angeles, Sunset/Hollywood Blvds --- --- 217,000 196,000 273,000 252,000
101 Los Angeles, Gower St/Argyle Ave --- --- 196,000 208,000 252,000 247,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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101 Los Angeles, Cahuenga Blvd --- --- 208,000 226,000 247,000 237,000
101 Los Angeles, Highland Ave --- --- 226,000 269,000 119,000 137,000
101 Los Angeles, Barham Blvd --- --- 269,000 248,000 119,000 137,000
101 Los Angeles, Lankershim/Ventura Blvd --- --- 248,000 247,000 274,000 274,000
101 Los Angeles, Vineland Ave --- --- 247,000 237,000 274,000 276,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
101 Los Angeles, Jct. Rtes. 134/170 222,000 256,000 119,000 137,000 276,000 286,000
101 Los Angeles, Jct. Rtes. 134/170 222,000 256,000 119,000 137,000 286,000 299,000
101 Los Angeles, Laurel Canyon Blvd 255,000 255,000 274,000 274,000 150,000 159,000
101 Los Angeles, Coldwater Canyon Ave 255,000 258,000 274,000 277,000 150,000 159,000
101 Los Angeles, Woodman Ave 258,000 267,000 277,000 286,000 317,000 304,000
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101 Los Angeles, Van Nuys Blvd 267,000 279,000 286,000 300,000 304,000 302,000
101 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 405 280,000 298,000 150,000 159,000 302,000 292,000
101 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 405 280,000 298,000 150,000 159,000 292,000 283,000
101 Los Angeles, Havenhurst Ave 296,000 285,000 318,000 305,000 283,000 273,000
101 Los Angeles, Balboa Blvd 285,000 284,000 305,000 304,000 273,000 262,000
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101 Los Angeles, White Oak Ave 284,000 273,000 304,000 293,000 262,000 257,000
101 Los Angeles, Reseda Blvd 273,000 265,000 293,000 284,000 257,000 229,000
101 Los Angeles, Tampa Ave 265,000 253,000 284,000 272,000 229,000 207,000
101 Los Angeles, Winnetka Ave 253,000 253,000 272,000 272,000 207,000 204,000
101 Los Angeles, De Soto Ave 245,000 238,000 262,000 256,000 204,000 210,000
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101 Los Angeles, Canoga Ave 238,000 213,000 256,000 228,000 210,000 196,000
101 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 27 213,000 191,000 228,000 205,000 196,000 187,000
101 Los Angeles, Ventura Blvd 191,000 189,000 205,000 202,000 187,000 169,000
101 Los Angeles, Woodlake Ave 189,000 194,000 202,000 208,000 169,000 174,000
101 Los Angeles, Mulholland Dr 194,000 180,000 208,000 193,000 174,000 176,000
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101 Calabasas, Parkway Calabasas 180,000 170,000 193,000 182,000 176,000 171,000
101 Calabasas, Las Virgenes Canyon Rd 170,000 151,000 182,000 162,000 171,000 170,000
101 Calabasas, Lost Hills Rd 151,000 155,000 162,000 166,000 170,000 171,000
101 Agoura Hills, Liberty Canyon Rd 155,000 156,000 166,000 168,000 171,000 175,000
101 Agoura Hills, Chesebro/Palo Comado Canyon Rds 156,000 151,000 168,000 162,000 175,000 ---
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101 Agoura Hills, Kanan Rd 151,000 149,000 162,000 160,000 --- 16,700
101 Agoura Hills, Reyes Adobe Rd 149,000 149,000 160,000 160,000 16,700 4,950
101 Wlake Village, Lindero Canyon Rd 149,000 156,000 160,000 168,000 4,950 10,700
101 Los Angeles/Ventura County Line 156,000 --- 168,000 --- 10,700 ---

Route 103

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103 NB off to Henry Ford Blvd & Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 47 --- 18,500 --- 16,900 --- 60,000
103 Los Angeles, Henry Ford Blvd 18,500 5,600 16,900 5,100 60,000 116,000
103 Los Angeles, Anaheim St 5,600 11,900 5,100 10,900 116,000 147,000
103 Los Angeles, Jct Rte 1, Pacific Coast Hwy 11,900 --- 10,900 --- 147,000 217,000

Route 105

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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105 Los Angeles, Begin Freeway at Los Angeles Intl Airport --- 64,000 --- 61,000 217,000 240,000
105 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 1 64,000 126,000 61,000 119,000 240,000 269,000
105 Los Angeles, Douglas St 126,000 160,000 119,000 152,000 269,000 249,000
105 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 405 160,000 238,000 152,000 226,000 249,000 240,000
105 Hawthorne, Hawthorne Blvd 238,000 260,000 226,000 246,000 240,000 226,000
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105 Inglewood, Crenshaw Blvd 260,000 285,000 246,000 271,000 226,000 221,000
105 Los Angeles, Vermont Ave 285,000 264,000 271,000 251,000 221,000 205,000
105 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 110 264,000 260,000 251,000 246,000 205,000 195,000
105 Los Angeles, Central Ave 260,000 242,000 246,000 230,000 195,000 217,000
105 Willowbrook, Wilmington Ave 242,000 236,000 230,000 224,000 217,000 211,000
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105 Lynwood, Long Beach Blvd 236,000 216,000 224,000 205,000 211,000 211,000
105 Lynwood, Jct. Rte. 710 216,000 207,000 205,000 197,000 211,000 19,400
105 Southgate, Paramount Blvd 207,000 232,000 197,000 220,000 19,400 ---
105 Downey, Lakewood Blvd 232,000 226,000 220,000 215,000 --- 41,500
105 Downey, Bellflower. Blvd 226,000 226,000 215,000 215,000 51,000 61,000
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105 Norwalk, Jct. Rte. 605 226,000 20,700 215,000 19,700 60,000 60,000
105 Norwalk, Studebaker Rd (End Freeway) 20,700 --- 19,700 --- 60,000 66,000

Route 110

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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110 Los Angeles, Gaffey St --- 48,500 --- 52,000 87,000 107,000
110 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 47 48,500 66,000 52,000 71,000 107,000 144,000
110 Los Angeles, Channel St 66,000 82,000 71,000 87,000 144,000 179,000
110 Los Angeles, C St 82,000 83,000 87,000 88,000 179,000 206,000
110 Los Angeles, Anaheim St 83,000 90,000 88,000 96,000 206,000 218,000
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AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
110 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 1 90,000 131,000 96,000 139,000 218,000 266,000
110 Carson, Sepulveda Blvd 131,000 169,000 139,000 180,000 266,000 234,000
110 Carson, Carson St 169,000 196,000 180,000 208,000 234,000 242,000
110 Carson, Torrance/Del Amo Blvd 196,000 207,000 208,000 220,000 242,000 253,000
110 Carson, Jct. Rte. 405 207,000 255,000 220,000 271,000 253,000 257,000
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110 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 91 255,000 228,000 271,000 242,000 257,000 287,000
110 Los Angeles, Redondo Beach Blvd 228,000 236,000 242,000 251,000 287,000 309,000
110 Los Angeles, Rosecrans Ave 236,000 247,000 251,000 262,000 309,000 302,000
110 Los Angeles, El Segundo Blvd 247,000 251,000 262,000 267,000 302,000 306,000
110 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 105 251,000 276,000 267,000 293,000 306,000 306,000
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110 Los Angeles, Century Blvd 276,000 297,000 293,000 315,000 306,000 295,000
110 Los Angeles, Manchester Ave 297,000 287,000 315,000 305,000 295,000 304,000
110 Los Angeles, Florence Ave 287,000 291,000 305,000 309,000 304,000 305,000
110 Los Angeles, Gage Ave 291,000 290,000 309,000 308,000 305,000 277,000
110 Los Angeles, Slauson Ave 290,000 280,000 308,000 297,000 277,000 268,000
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110 Los Angeles, 51st St 280,000 288,000 297,000 306,000 268,000 278,000
110 Los Angeles, Vernon Ave 288,000 289,000 306,000 307,000 278,000 291,000
110 Los Angeles, Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd 289,000 261,000 307,000 278,000 291,000 278,000
110 Los Angeles, Exposition Blvd 261,000 254,000 278,000 270,000 278,000 290,000
110 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 10 254,000 262,000 270,000 279,000 290,000 277,000
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110 Los Angeles, Olympic Blvd 262,000 274,000 279,000 291,000 277,000 160,000
110 Los Angeles, 8th/9th Sts 274,000 261,000 291,000 278,000 160,000 170,000
110 Los Angeles, 5th/6th Sts 261,000 274,000 278,000 291,000 170,000 185,000
110 Los Angeles, 3rd/4th Sts 274,000 261,000 291,000 278,000 185,000 183,000
110 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 101 261,000 151,000 278,000 161,000 183,000 122,000
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110 Los Angeles, Figueroa St/Sunset Blvd 151,000 160,000 161,000 170,000 122,000 116,000
110 Los Angeles, Hill St/Stadium Way 160,000 174,000 170,000 185,000 116,000 107,000
110 Los Angeles, Solano Ave 174,000 172,000 92,500 91,500 --- ---
110 Los Angeles, Solano Ave 174,000 172,000 91,500 91,500 107,000 98,000
110 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 5 172,000 116,000 183,000 123,000 98,000 97,000
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110 Los Angeles, Ave 43 116,000 111,000 123,000 118,000 97,000 79,000
110 Los Angeles, Ave 52 111,000 103,000 118,000 109,000 79,000 78,000
110 Los Angeles, Ave 57/Hermon Ave 103,000 93,000 109,000 99,000 78,000 78,000
110 Los Angeles, Ave 60 93,000 93,000 99,000 99,000 78,000 57,000
110 Los Angeles, Ave 64 93,000 77,000 99,000 81,000 57,000 43,000
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110 Los Angeles, York Blvd 77,000 76,000 81,000 80,000 43,000 43,000
110 South Pasadena, Bridewell St 76,000 77,000 80,000 79,000 43,000 ---
110 South Pasadena, Orange Grove Ave 77,000 59,000 79,000 59,000 --- 117,000
110 South Pasadena, Fair Oaks Ave 59,000 55,000 59,000 43,500 117,000 131,000
110 Pasadena, Glenarm St 55,000 41,000 43,500 43,500 131,000 154,000
110 Pasadena, End Freeway 41,000 --- 43,500 --- 154,000 170,000

Route 118

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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118 Ventura/Los Angeles County Line --- 108,000 --- 118,000 170,000 200,000
118 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 27 108,000 126,000 118,000 137,000 200,000 221,000
118 Los Angeles, De Soto Ave 126,000 142,000 137,000 154,000 221,000 221,000
118 Los Angeles, Porter Ranch Dr/Winnetka Ave 150,000 153,000 163,000 166,000 221,000 228,000
118 Los Angeles, Tampa Ave 150,000 159,000 166,000 173,000 228,000 243,000
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AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
118 Los Angeles, Reseda Blvd 184,000 180,000 200,000 196,000 243,000 236,000
118 Los Angeles, White Oak Ave 180,000 203,000 196,000 220,000 235,695 234,000
118 Los Angeles, Balboa Blvd 203,000 198,000 220,000 216,000 --- 117,000
118 Los Angeles, Hayvenhurst Ave 198,000 232,000 216,000 252,000 117,000 80,000
118 Los Angeles, Woodley Ave 232,000 225,000 252,000 245,000 80,000 ---
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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118 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 405 225,000 224,000 245,000 244,000 --- 80,000
118 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 5 111,000 76,000 122,000 82,000 159,000 145,000
118 Los Angeles, End Independent Alignment 76,000 151,000 82,000 --- 145,000 112,000
118 Los Angeles, San Fernando Rd 151,000 136,000 164,000 149,000 --- 22,600
118 Los Angeles, Glenoaks Blvd 136,000 106,000 149,000 115,000 22,600 24,400
118 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 210 106,000 --- 115,000 --- 24,400 36,500

Route 126

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126 Ventura/Los Angeles County Line --- 29,500 --- 22,600 36,500 28,000
126 Wolcott Way 29,500 33,500 22,600 25,500 28,000 28,000
126 Commerce Center Dr 33,500 48,000 25,500 36,500 28,000 ---
126 The Old Rd 48,000 48,000 36,500 36,500 --- 187,000
126 Santa Clarita, North Jct. Rte. 5 48,000 36,500 36,500 28,000 187,000 195,000
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126 Santa Clarita, South Jct. Rte. 5 --- --- 28,000 28,000 195,000 213,000
126 Santa Clarita, Tourney Rd (End of Rte) 36,500 --- 28,000 --- 213,000 208,000

Route 134

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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134 Los Angeles, Jct. Rtes. 101/170 --- 168,000 --- 190,000 208,000 211,000
134 Los Angeles, Lankershim Blvd 168,000 174,000 190,000 198,000 211,000 227,000
134 Los Angeles, Cahuenga Blvd 174,000 191,000 198,000 216,000 227,000 211,000
134 Burbank, Hollywood Way 191,000 188,000 216,000 213,000 --- 105,500
134 Burbank, Riverside Dr 188,000 192,000 213,000 217,000 105,500 117,500
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134 Los Angeles, Forest Lawn Dr 192,000 206,000 217,000 234,000 117,500 ---
134 Los Angeles, Victory Blvd/Riverside Dr 206,000 193,000 234,000 219,000 --- 105,500
134 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 5 96,000 105,000 --- 237,000 240,000 239,000
134 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 5 96,000 105,000 --- --- 239,000 234,000
134 Glendale, Concord St/San Fernando Rd 209,000 213,000 237,000 242,000 234,000 234,000
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134 Glendale, Pacific Ave 213,000 211,000 242,000 240,000 234,000 205,000
134 Glendale, Brand Blvd 211,000 210,000 240,000 239,000 205,000 214,000
134 Glendale, Glendale Ave 210,000 206,000 239,000 234,000 214,000 220,000
134 Glendale, Verdugo Rd Undercrossing --- --- 234,000 234,000 220,000 221,000
134 Glendale, Jct. Rte. 2 174,000 180,000 234,000 205,000 221,000 ---
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134 Los Angeles, Eagle Rock/Figueroa Sts 180,000 185,000 205,000 214,000 --- 1,800
134 Pasadena, San Rafael Ave 185,000 194,000 214,000 220,000 1,800 ---
134 Pasadena, Orange Grove Blvd 194,000 194,000 220,000 220,000 2,100 1,800
134 Pasadena, Jct. Rtes. 210/710 194,000 --- 220,000 --- 1,800 ---

Route 170

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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170 Los Angeles, Jct. Rtes. 101/134 --- 166,000 --- 188,000 200,000 198,000
170 Los Angeles, Riverside Dr 166,000 180,000 188,000 205,000 198,000 191,000
170 Los Angeles, Magnolia Blvd 180,000 184,000 205,000 209,000 191,000 164,000
170 Los Angeles, Burbank Blvd 184,000 188,000 209,000 214,000 164,000 146,000
170 Los Angeles, Oxnard St/Laurel Canyon Blvd 188,000 187,000 214,000 212,000 146,000 134,000
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170 Los Angeles, Victory Blvd 187,000 181,000 212,000 206,000 134,000 ---
170 Los Angeles, Sherman Way 181,000 155,000 206,000 175,000 --- 40,500
170 Los Angeles, Roscoe Blvd 155,000 138,000 175,000 156,000 46,500 48,500
170 Los Angeles, Sheldon/ Arleta Sts 138,000 126,000 156,000 143,000 48,500 70,000
170 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 5 126,000 --- 143,000 --- 70,000 53,000

Route 210

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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210 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 5 --- 77,000 --- 84,000 96,000 117,000
210 Los Angeles, Yarnell St 77,000 74,000 84,000 82,000 117,000 131,000
210 Los Angeles, Roxford St 74,000 74,000 82,000 82,000 131,000 129,000
210 Los Angeles, Polk St 74,000 86,000 82,000 95,000 129,000 127,000
210 Los Angeles, Hubbard St 86,000 105,000 95,000 117,000 127,000 128,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
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210 Los Angeles, Maclay St 105,000 118,000 117,000 131,000 128,000 121,000
210 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 118 118,000 117,000 131,000 129,000 121,000 126,000
210 Los Angeles, Osborne St/Foothill Blvd 117,000 110,000 129,000 126,000 126,000 156,000
210 Los Angeles, Wheatland Ave 110,000 113,000 126,000 127,000 156,000 167,000
210 Los Angeles, Sunland Blvd 113,000 108,000 127,000 120,000 167,000 186,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
210 Los Angeles,La Tuna Canyon Rd 108,000 114,000 120,000 127,000 185,832 131,000
210 Glendale, Lowell Ave 114,000 141,000 127,000 156,000 131,000 126,000
210 Glendale, Pennsylvania Ave 141,000 150,000 156,000 166,000 126,000 114,000
210 La Crescenta Ave 150,000 168,000 166,000 186,000 114,000 127,000
210 La Canada-Flintridge, W Jct. Rte. 2 168,000 118,000 186,000 131,000 127,000 124,000
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210 La Canada-Flintridge, East Jct. Rte. 2 118,000 113,000 131,000 126,000 124,000 121,000
210 La Canada-Flintridge, Gould Ave/Foothill Blvd 113,000 103,000 126,000 114,000 121,000 134,000
210 La Canada-Flintridge, Hampton Ave/Foothill Blvd 103,000 114,000 114,000 127,000 134,000 140,000
210 La Canada-Flintridge, Berkshire Place 114,000 112,000 127,000 125,000 140,000 305,000
210 Pasadena, Arroyo Blvd 112,000 107,000 125,000 119,000 305,000 305,001
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
210 Pasadena, Lincoln Blvd 107,000 123,000 119,000 136,000 305,000 286,000
210 Pasadena, Mountain St 123,000 130,000 136,000 143,000 286,000 299,000
210 Pasadena, Jct. Rtes. 134/710 130,000 296,000 143,000 329,000 299,000 279,000
210 Pasadena, Lake Ave 296,000 324,000 329,000 358,000 279,000 279,000
210 Pasadena, Hill Ave 324,000 304,000 358,000 337,000 279,000 267,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
210 Pasadena, Allen Ave 304,000 309,000 337,000 342,000 267,000 259,000
210 Pasadena, Altadena Dr 309,000 288,000 342,000 319,000 259,000 253,000
210 Pasadena, San Gabriel Blvd 288,000 275,000 319,000 304,000 253,000 248,000
210 Pasadena, Sierra Madre Villa 275,000 251,000 304,000 279,000 248,000 247,000
210 Pasadena, Rosemead Blvd 251,000 237,000 279,000 263,000 247,000 244,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
210 Arcadia, Baldwin Ave 237,000 210,000 263,000 264,000 244,000 252,000
210 Arcadia, Santa Anita Ave 210,000 230,000 264,000 254,000 252,000 256,000
210 Monrovia, Huntington Dr 230,000 228,000 254,000 252,000 256,000 268,000
210 Monrovia, Myrtle Ave 228,000 222,000 252,000 246,000 268,000 253,000
210 Monrovia, Mountain Ave 222,000 229,000 246,000 253,000 253,000 253,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
210 Duarte, Buena Vista St 229,000 231,000 253,000 256,000 253,000 246,000
210 Duarte, Jct. Rte. 605 231,000 243,000 256,000 269,000 246,000 242,000
210 Irwindale, Irwindale Ave 243,000 239,000 269,000 265,000 242,000 243,291
210 Azusa, Vernon Ave 239,000 236,000 265,000 261,000 251,000 251,000
210 Azusa, Azusa Ave 236,000 232,000 261,000 257,000 251,000 187,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
210 Azusa, Citrus Ave 232,000 231,000 257,000 256,000 187,000 186,000
210 Glendora, Grand Ave 231,000 231,000 256,000 256,000 186,000 175,000
210 Glendora, Sunflower Ave 231,000 232,000 256,000 257,000 175,000 174,000
210 Glendora, Jct Rte 57, Orange Freeway 232,000 179,000 257,000 198,000 174,000 173,000
210 San Dimas, San Dimas Ave 169,000 175,000 187,000 193,000 173,003 171,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
210 La Verne, Jct. Rte. 66 175,000 158,000 193,000 181,000 171,000 171,000
210 La Verne, Fruit St 158,000 151,000 181,000 181,000 171,000 ---
210 Claremont, Towne Ave 151,000 151,000 181,000 178,000 --- 28,500
210 Claremont, Baseline Rd 151,000 160,000 178,000 178,000 34,000 38,500
210 Los Angeles/San Bernardino County Line 168,000 --- 178,000 --- 30,500 21,300

Route 405

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
405 Orange/Los Angeles County Line --- 249,000 --- 264,000 262,000 274,000
405 Long Beach, Studebaker Rd 249,000 256,000 264,000 272,000 274,000 282,000
405 Long Beach, Palo Verde Ave 256,000 247,000 272,000 261,000 282,000 290,000
405 Long Beach, Woodruff Ave 247,000 251,000 261,000 266,000 290,000 289,000
405 Long Beach, Bellflower Blvd 251,000 263,000 266,000 278,000 289,000 283,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
405 Long Beach, Lakewood Blvd 263,000 269,000 278,000 285,000 283,000 279,000
405 Long Beach, Cherry Ave 269,000 251,000 285,000 299,000 279,000 279,000
405 Signal Hill, Orange Ave 251,000 280,000 299,000 300,000 279,000 269,000
405 Long Beach, Atlantic Ave 280,000 263,000 --- --- --- ---
405 SB on Fr Wardlow/Long Beach Blvd & Long Beach, Long Beach Blvd 263,000 260,000 --- --- --- ---
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
405 Long Beach, Jct Rte 710 260,000 265,000 --- --- --- ---
405 Carson, Alameda St 265,000 230,000 --- --- --- ---
405 Carson, Wilmington Ave 230,000 214,000 --- --- --- ---
405 Carson, Carson St 214,000 220,000 300,000 296,000 269,000 255,000
405 Carson, Avalon Blvd 220,000 256,000 296,000 294,000 255,000 250,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
405 Carson, Jct. Rte. 110 256,000 258,000 294,000 281,000 250,000 269,000
405 Los Angeles, Vermont Ave 258,000 270,000 281,000 271,000 269,000 263,000
405 Los Angeles, Normandie Ave 270,000 223,000 271,000 258,000 263,000 273,000
405 Los Angeles, Wern Ave 223,000 228,000 258,000 254,000 273,000 266,000
405 Torrance, Crenshaw Blvd 228,000 237,000 254,000 272,000 266,000 254,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
405 Torrance, Artesia Blvd 237,000 242,000 272,000 274,000 254,000 248,000
405 Lawndale, Hawthorne Blvd 242,000 254,000 274,000 286,000 248,000 254,000
405 Lawndale, Inglewood Ave 254,000 266,000 286,000 268,000 254,000 267,000
405 Hawthorne, Rosecrans Ave 266,000 293,000 268,000 257,000 267,000 280,000
405 Hawthorne, El Segundo Blvd 293,000 238,000 257,000 251,000 280,000 309,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
405 Long Beach, Atlantic Ave --- --- 251,000 256,000 309,000 250,000
405 SB on Fr Wardlow/Long Beach Blvd & Long Beach, Long Beach Blvd --- --- 256,000 269,000 250,000 323,000
405 Long Beach, Jct. Rte. 710 --- --- 269,000 282,000 323,000 322,000
405 Carson, Alameda St --- --- 282,000 311,000 322,000 281,000
405 Carson, Wilmington Ave --- --- 311,000 252,000 281,000 303,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
405 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte 105 238,000 308,000 252,000 326,000 303,000 319,000
405 Inglewood, Century Blvd 308,000 305,000 326,000 323,000 319,000 324,000
405 Inglewood, Manchester Blvd 305,000 267,000 323,000 283,000 324,000 330,000
405 Los Angeles, La Tijera Blvd/Howard Hughes Parkway 267,000 292,000 283,000 309,000 330,000 307,000
405 Culver City, Jct. Rte. 90 292,000 299,000 309,000 316,000 307,000 328,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
405 Culver City, Culver Blvd 299,000 308,000 316,000 326,000 328,000 308,000
405 Culver City, Jct. Rte. 187 308,000 312,000 326,000 331,000 308,000 287,000
405 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 10 312,000 286,000 331,000 303,000 287,000 279,000
405 Los Angeles, Olympic Blvd 286,000 309,000 303,000 327,000 279,000 282,000
405 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 2 309,000 292,000 327,000 310,000 282,000 286,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
405 Los Angeles, Wilshire Blvd 292,000 269,000 310,000 285,000 286,000 286,000
405 Los Angeles, Waterford St/Montana Ave 269,000 263,000 285,000 278,000 286,000 286,000
405 Los Angeles, Sunset Blvd 263,000 265,000 278,000 281,000 286,000 215,000
405 Los Angeles, Moraga Dr 265,000 269,000 281,000 285,000 215,000 214,000
405 Los Angeles, Getty Center Dr 269,000 266,000 285,000 282,000 214,000 212,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
405 Los Angeles, Mulholland Dr 266,000 267,000 282,000 283,000 212,000 214,000
405 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 101 267,000 211,000 283,000 224,000 214,000 215,000
405 Los Angeles, Burbank Blvd 211,000 211,000 224,000 224,000 215,000 215,000
405 Los Angeles, Victory Blvd 211,000 207,000 224,000 219,000 215,000 150,000
405 Los Angeles, Sherman Way 207,000 205,000 219,000 217,000 150,000 143,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
405 Los Angeles, Roscoe Blvd 205,000 204,000 217,000 216,000 142,999 143,000
405 Los Angeles, Nordhoff St 204,000 206,000 216,000 218,000 143,000 ---
405 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 118 206,000 146,000 218,000 154,000 --- 157,000
405 Los Angeles, San Fernando Mission Blvd 146,000 139,000 154,000 147,000 157,000 175,000
405 Los Angeles, Rinaldi St 139,000 139,000 147,000 147,000 175,000 186,000
405 Los Angeles, Jct. Rte. 5 139,000 --- 147,000 --- 186,000 201,000

Route 605

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
605 Orange/Los Angeles County Line --- 157,000 --- 170,000 201,000 225,000
605 Long Beach, Spring St 157,000 173,000 170,000 187,000 225,000 298,000
605 Lakewood, Carson St 173,000 187,000 187,000 202,000 298,000 298,000
605 Cerritos, Del Amo Blvd 187,000 201,000 202,000 218,000 298,000 294,000
605 Cerritos, South St 201,000 228,000 218,000 246,000 294,000 246,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
605 Cerritos, Jct. Rte. 91 228,000 278,000 246,000 301,000 246,000 227,000
605 Norwalk, Alondra Blvd 278,000 280,000 301,000 303,000 227,000 229,000
605 Norwalk, Rosecrans Ave 280,000 280,000 --- --- --- ---
605 Norwalk, Jct. Rte. 105 280,000 276,000 303,000 299,000 229,000 238,000
605 Norwalk, Imperial Hwy 276,000 276,000 --- --- --- ---
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
605 Norwalk, Jct. Rte. 105 280,000 276,000 --- --- --- ---
605 Santa Fe Springs, Jct. Rte. 5 276,000 230,000 299,000 248,000 238,000 246,000
605 Santa Fe Springs, Telegraph Rd 230,000 210,000 248,000 227,000 246,000 250,000
605 Slauson Ave 210,000 212,000 227,000 230,000 250,000 255,000
605 Washington Blvd 212,000 221,000 230,000 240,000 255,000 250,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
605 Whittier, Jct. Rte. 72 221,000 230,000 240,000 248,000 250,000 226,000
605 Pico Rivera, Beverly Blvd 230,000 233,000 248,000 252,000 226,000 221,000
605 Pico Rivera, Rose Hills Rd 233,000 240,000 252,000 259,000 221,000 187,000
605 Industry, Peck Rd 240,000 234,000 259,000 253,000 187,000 180,000
605 Industry, Jct. Rte. 60 234,000 212,000 253,000 230,000 180,000 164,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
605 Industry, Valley Blvd 212,000 220,000 230,000 238,000 164,000 138,000
605 Baldwin Park, Jct. Rte. 10 220,000 182,000 238,000 197,000 138,000 152,000
605 Baldwin Park, Ramona Blvd 182,000 176,000 197,000 190,000 152,000 152,000
605 Irwindale, Lower Azusa Rd/Los Angeles St 176,000 163,000 190,000 176,000 152,000 ---
605 Irwindale, Live Oak Ave 163,000 135,000 176,000 146,000 --- 57,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
605 Irwindale, Arrow Hwy 135,000 148,000 146,000 160,000 57,000 59,000
605 Irwindale, Jct. Rte. 210 148,000 148,000 160,000 160,000 59,000 117,000
605 Jct. Rte. 210 148,000 --- 160,000 --- 117,000 133,000

Route 710

Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
710 Long Beach, Ocean/Harbor Scenic/Pico Ave --- --- 58,000 60,000 153,000 168,000
710 Long Beach, Shoreline Dr --- 113,000 60,000 118,000 168,000 184,000
710 Long Beach, Anaheim St 113,000 126,000 118,000 133,000 184,000 191,000
710 Long Beach, Jct. Rte. 1 126,000 145,000 133,000 153,000 191,000 199,000
710 Long Beach, Willow St 145,000 160,000 153,000 169,000 199,000 230,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
710 Long Beach, Jct. Rte. 405 160,000 176,000 169,000 186,000 230,000 236,000
710 Long Beach, Del Amo Blvd 174,000 180,000 184,000 190,000 236,000 241,000
710 Long Beach, Long Beach Blvd 180,000 189,000 190,000 199,000 241,000 221,000
710 Long Beach, Jct. Rte. 91 189,000 221,000 199,000 233,000 221,000 211,000
710 Compton, Alondra Blvd 221,000 227,000 233,000 240,000 211,000 204,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
710 Lynwood, Jct. Rte. 105 227,000 228,000 240,000 241,000 204,000 213,000
710 South Gate, Imperial Hwy 228,000 214,000 241,000 225,000 213,000 214,000
710 South Gate, Firestone Blvd 214,000 202,000 225,000 213,000 214,000 177,000
710 Bell, Florence Ave 202,000 197,000 213,000 207,000 177,000 191,000
710 Bell, Atlantic Blvd 197,000 206,000 207,000 217,000 191,000 127,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
710 Commerce, Washington Blvd 206,000 241,000 217,000 253,000 127,000 45,000
710 Commerce, Jct. Rte. 5 241,000 199,000 253,000 210,000 45,000 45,000
710 Whittier Blvd 199,000 181,000 210,000 192,000 45,000 25,500
710 Jct. Rte. 60 181,000 121,000 192,000 127,000 25,500 17,700
710 Monterey Park, Jct. Rte. 10 121,000 51,000 127,000 54,000 17,700 16,700
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
710 Los Angeles, Valley Blvd; Temporary End of Long Beach Freeway 51,000 --- 54,000 54,000 17,700 14,800
710 Pasadena, on Pasadena Ave at Columbia St --- 24,200 54,000 25,500 16,700 13,300
710 Pasadena, on Pasadena Ave South of Bellefontaine St - Begin One Way Couplet 24,200 16,800 25,500 17,700 14,800 26,500
710 Pasadena, on St. John Ave at Bellefontaine St --- 15,800 17,700 16,700 47,000 47,000
710 Pasadena, on Pasadena Ave at Bellefontaine St 16,800 14,000 17,700 14,800 47,000 66,000
Route City & Interchange/Junction 2022 2019 2015
AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct. AADT* South or West of Exit/Jct. AADT* North or East of Exit/Jct.
710 Pasadena, on St John Ave at Bellefontaine St 15,800 12,600 16,700 13,300 66,000 ---
710 Pasadena, on Pasadena Ave at Ca St 14,000 25,000 14,800 26,500 14,800 26,500
710 Pasadena, Temporary Begin Long Beach Freeway 44,500 44,500 47,000 47,000 47,000 47,000
710 Pasadena, Del Mar Blvd 44,500 63,000 47,000 66,000 47,000 66,000
710 Pasadena, on Pasadena Ave at End of NB Couplet 25,000 63,000 26,500 66,000 --- ---
710 Pasadena, Jct. Rtes. 134/210 63,000 --- 66,000 --- 66,000 ---

* Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) is the total volume for the year divided by 365 days. The traffic count year is from October 1st through September 30th. Very few locations in California are actually counted continuously. Traffic counting is generally performed by electronic counting instruments, moved from location throughout the state in a program of continuous traffic count sampling. The resulting counts are adjusted to an estimate of annual average daily traffic by compensating for seasonal influence, weekly variation and other variables which may be present. Annual Average Daily Traffic is necessary for presenting a statewide picture of traffic flow, evaluating traffic trends, computing accident rates, planning and designing highways and other purposes.

Source: California Dept. of Transportation (CALTRANS) Traffic Census Program