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Medal of Honor Recipients
From Los Angeles County

Michael Monsoor, Medal of Honor

Michael Monsoor, U.S. Navy, posthumous recipient of the Medal of Honor, 2006. Image courtesy of the U.S. Navy.

The Medal of Honor (or informally called the Congressional Medal of Honor) is the highest award for valor in action against an enemy force which can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the Armed Services of the United States. It is generally presented to its recipient or surviving family members by the President of the United States of America in the name of Congress. The 31 recipients listed here either entered military service in Los Angeles and/or their home of record/birthplace or other significant connection was in Los Angeles County.

For each recipient there is shown 1. name, 2. rank, 3. branch of service, 4. place of action, 5. date of action, and 6. (in parentheses) Los Angeles County place of enlistment/home of record/place of birth.

Indian War Campaigns (1866-1890)

US Cavalryman, 1890

A U.S. Cavalryman (not Mahers), 1890

Herbert Mahers, Private, U.S. Army, Arizona, 25 Aug 1869 (Wilmington)

World War I (1917-1918)

Oscar Miller, Medal of Honor Recipient

Oscar F. Miller, Major, U.S. Army, France, 28 Sep 1918 (Los Angeles)

Patrick Regan, Medal of Honor Recipient

Patrick J. Regan, Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army, France, 8 Oct 1918 (Los Angeles)

World War II (1941-1945)

John Finn, Medal of Honor Recipient

John William Finn, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Hawaii, 7 Dec 1941 (Los Angeles)

Herbert Jones, Medal of Honor Recipient

Herbert Charpoit Jones, Ensign, U.S. Navy, 7 Dec 1941 (Los Angeles)

James Doolittle, Medal of Honor Recipient

James H. Doolittle, Brigadier General [then Lieutenant Colonel], U.S. Army, 9 Jun 1942 (Los Angeles)

Joe Gandara, Medal of Honor Recipient

Joe Gandara, Private, U.S. Army, France, 9 Jun 1944 (Los Angeles/b. Santa Monica)

Harold Moon, Jr, Medal of Honor Recipient

Harold H. Moon, Jr., Private, U.S. Army, Philippines, 21 Oct 1944 (Gardena)

Keith Ware, Medal of Honor Recipient

Keith L. Ware, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, France, 26 Dec 1944 (Glendale)

George Turner, Medal of Honor Recipient

George B. Turner, Private 1st Class, U.S. Army, France, 3 Jan 1945 (Los Angeles)

Edward Carter, Jr, Medal of Honor Recipient

Edward A. Carter, Jr., Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army, Germany, 23 Mar 1945 (Los Angeles)

Sadao Munemori, Medal of Honor Recipient

Sadao S. Munemori, Private 1st Class, U.S. Army, Italy, 5 Apr 1945 (Los Angeles)

David Gonzales, Medal of Honor Recipient

David M. Gonzales, Private 1st Class, U.S. Army, Philippines, 25 Apr 1945 (Pacoima)

Korean War (1950-1954)

Eduardo Gomez, Medal of Honor Recipient

Eduardo Corral Gomez, Sergeant, U.S. Army, 3 Sep 1950 (Los Angeles)

Eugene Obregon, Medal of Honor Recipient

Eugene Arnold Obregon, Private 1st Class, U.S. Marine Corps, 26 Sep 1950 (Los Angeles)

James Poynter, Medal of Honor Recipient

James I. Poynter, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, 4 Nov 1950 (Downey)

Raymond Harvey, Medal of Honor Recipient

Raymond Harvey, Captain, U.S. Army, 9 Mar 1951 (Pasadena)

Daniel Matthews, Medal of Honor Recipient

Daniel P. Matthews, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, 28 Mar 1953 (Van Nuys)

John Koelsch, Medal of Honor Recipient

John Kelvin Koelsch, Lieutenant J.G., U.S. Navy, 3 Jul 1951 (Los Angeles)

Vietnam War (1956-1975)

Donald Evans, Jr, Medal of Honor Recipient

Donald W. Evans, Jr., Specialist 4, U.S. Army, 27 Jan 1967 (Covina)

James Anderson, Jr, Medal of Honor Recipient

James Anderson, Jr., Private 1st Class, U.S. Marine Corps, 28 Feb 1967 (Los Angeles)

George Ingalls, Medal of Honor Recipient

George Alan Ingalls, Specialist 4, U.S. Army, 16 Apr 1967 (Los Angeles)

Larry Maxam, Medal of Honor Recipient

Larry Leonard Maxam, Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, 2 Feb 1968 (Los Angeles/b. Glendale)

Joe Hooper, Medal of Honor Recipient

Joe Ronnie Hooper, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army, 21 Feb 1968 (Los Angeles)

Edward DeVore, Jr, Medal of Honor Recipient

Edward Allen DeVore, Jr., Specialist 4, U.S. Army, 17 Mar 1968 (Harbor City/b. Torrance)

Anund Roark, Medal of Honor Recipient

Anund C. Roark, Sergeant, U.S. Army, 16 May 1968 (Los Angeles)

Kern Dunagan, Medal of Honor Recipient

Kern W. Dunagan, Major, U.S. Army, 13 May 1969 (Los Angeles)

Jimmy Phipps, Medal of Honor Recipient

Jimmy W. Phipps, Priv.1st Class, U.S. Marine Corps, 27 May 1969 (Culver City/b. Santa Monica)

Gary Littrell, Medal of Honor Recipient

Gary Lee Littrell, Sergeant 1st Class, U.S. Army, 4-8 Apr 1970 (Los Angeles)

Louis Rocco, Medal of Honor Recipient

Louis R. Rocco, Sergeant 1st Class, U.S. Army, 24 May 1970 (Los Angeles)

Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2011)

Michael Monsoor, Medal of Honor Recipient

Michael A. Monsoor, Petty Officer 2nd Class, U.S. Navy, 29 Sep 2006 (Gardena/b. Long Beach)

Posthumous Award

Also see: Congressional Medal of Honor Society