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Frequently Asked Questions
City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Map

Q. Does this map cover all of Los Angeles County?

A. No. This map focuses only on the City of Los Angeles and the city's districts and neighborhoods. Adjacent cities and unincorporated areas are labeled in the map with white lettering against a green background. Boundaries for these communities, however, are not specifically shown.

Note: although it does not feature zip codes, you may still be interested in an affordable but colorful wall map of the entire county of Los Angeles. This laminated wall map of all of Los Angeles County features the entire county including all of the 88 incorporated cities and more than 100 unincorporated communities in an easy-to-delineate, vibrant and colorful layout.

Q. Does this map show zip codes?

A. Zip codes and zip code boundaries are not shown in the City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Map. We do, however, offer a similar map, featuring all ZIP codes and boundaries wholly or partially within the City of Los Angeles. Click here to learn more about this map.

Q. How did you come up with boundaries for L.A. districts and neighborhoods?

A. Initially, we started with city planning areas, as outlined by the Los Angeles City Department of Planning. These boundaries served as our initial baselines. We further layered in zip code boundaries and census tract boundaries. Thereupon, we were adjusted a number of boundaries and added additional districts and neighborhoods not outlined in city planning maps. We further researched any opinions we could find on customary and traditional neighborhood boundaries and made adjustments accordingly. None of this, of course, was easy. There are conflicting opinions and, in some cases, we could not find much information. We made a number of inevitable compromises in our best judgment, but do expect to add additional boundaries in a future edition of the map.

Q. Does this map show streets that serve as neighborhood boundaries?

A. Yes. In most cases where we show boundaries, we label the streets, highways, railroad tracks, or bodies of water that form neighborhood boundaries. For some neighborhoods, however, we did not show boundaries (see next question).

Q. Why are some neighborhoods shown in this map without boundaries?

A. Many neighborhoods are smaller communities within larger city districts. Where neighborhoods were large enough, defined enough, and distinctive enough (whether demographically or geographically), we outlined their boundaries wherever possible, even if technically part of a larger district. Other neighborhoods, however, are quite small (perhaps only a few blocks) and not altogether distinctive from their larger districts. We also chose not to display any neighborhood as an island surrounded by a single larger district. In yet a few other cases, we could not find sufficient information about where the boundaries actually lay. In these cases, we simply located the neighborhood label without any boundaries in its general location within its larger district.

Q. Are all neighborhoods in Los Angeles shown in this map?

A. Admittedly, we uncovered neighborhood names for which we were unable to find any definitive information. Although some are just not well known, we believe that many are older neighborhood names not in common use today. Wherever possible, however, we worked hard at trying to label every neighborhood for which we had at least some general location information and where the neighborhood consisted of more than a street or a block. We do plan, as future editions unfold, to label any neighborhoods not previously known to us.

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